Welcome to Your Brand New VibeRise!

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The Legal Stuff

First, the legal stuff. If you were looking to read our policies and warranties, we have consolidated all of them here for your perusing pleasure: Privacy Policy
Warranty Policy
Terms of Service

The VibeRise App

We have listed the VibeRise app on both the App Store (iOS) and the Play Store (Android). For your convenience, here are the links to our app for their respective "app" store. (Friendly Reminder: Use the Play Store link if you have Android and App Store link if you have iOS)

VibeRise app logo


Logo of Google's Play Store

VibeRise on Play Store

Logo of Apple's App Store

VibeRise on App Store

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Now for the fun stuff. With any new product, you may have some questions about it. Below, we have put together some answers that should help answer most of those Frequently Asked Questions.

However, if you do not see an answer you are looking for, always feel free to reach out to us at support@paqwear.com.


  • First, make sure to charge your VibeRise for 1 - 1.5 hours as it may have discharged.
  • Android OS: If you are using an Android phone, make sure to turn your Bluetooth ON, turn your Location ON, AND grant the VibeRise app access to your Location before attempting to connect to your device through the app
    • Note: This is a requirement by Android as they will not allow Bluetooth pairing without location services being granted by the user.
  • Plug in the micro usb cable to the VibeRise and let it charge for 1 - 1.5 hours. The battery life of the VibeRise is one day. So if you charge it during the day, it should last you all night.

  • For the first version of the VibeRise, there is no immediate feedback for when the VibeRise is charging or not, but you will know it is charged once it begins to show up on 'Device' page of the app. (This will be updated in the next version of the VibeRise)

  • Note: if the VibeRise alarm did not go off, then the VibeRise might be completely dead. Make sure it is fully charged before wearing it to bed